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Oral Presentation
Speakers are requested to submit their presentation in pptx-format. Presentations have to be stored on an USB stick and presented to the technical assistant at the speaker preparation room preferably two breaks but no later than the last break prior to the session. The chairs of the session are responsible for compliance with the time schedule.
Speakers must strictly adhere to the time allowed for oral presentations which is:
- 22 min for keynote speakers
- 12 min for other presenters
Each keynote / oral presentation will be followed by a brief discussion of about 3 min.
Poster Presentation
The standard poster size (DIN A0) is 118 cm (height) x 84 cm (width). The poster should not exceed these dimensions. The title of the poster should appear at the top in CAPITAL letters of about 1 inch or 25 mm. The author(s)’ name(s) and affiliation(s) must be placed below the title. The smallest text on the poster should be at least 3/8 inches or 9 mm high, with important points appearing in a larger font size.
The poster must cover the key points of the research presented. Make your poster easy to read. Use colour to highlight important messages and to make your poster more attractive. Complement your text with pictures, diagrams, cartoons, and figures, etc. wherever possible. Make your poster as self-explanatory as possible. This will save you time that you can use for discussions and questions.
Be sure to bring all materials necessary to repair the poster in case of damage during travelling, e.g. transparent adhesive tape and an extra set of poster papers.