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Fees: Participants
EARLY by 30th June 2015 |
LATE from 1st July 2015 |
Regular registration | € 580 | € 680 |
Developing countries* | € 380 | € 460 |
Students* | € 260 | € 320 |
* Participants from developing countries and students may send a written application for reduced fees to The subject header of the e-mail must read “REDUCED FEE”, and the application must be received by 30th June 2015. Due to the limited availability of subsidies, participants from developing countries and students who apply for a reduced fee will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis. Applicants approved for reduced fees will receive a confirmation e-mail with a link which is required for online registration.
The fees include: participation in the scientific and social programmes, coffee breaks, lunches, dinners, abstract book, and one copy of the Special Issue for ICT-14 papers selected for publication in the journal Veterinary Parasitology.
Please click the following link for online registration:
Fees: Accompanying Persons
EARLY by 30th June 2015 |
LATE from 1st July 2015 |
Regular registration | € 250 | € 300 |
The fees include: participation in the social programme and dinners.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel participation, an e-mail with the subject line “CANCELLATION” must be sent to Cancellations are subject to a cancellation fee regardless of the reason for cancelling. Provided written notice is received by 31st July 2015, a full refund will be given less a 10% administration charge. If written notice is received between 1st and 31st August 2015, a 50% refund will be granted. No refunds will be given for cancellations received after this date or in case of failure to attend the conference.