BfR Annual Report 2014 - page 64

Annual Report 2014
At the BfR, there is a specific department for Risk Communication which informs the general public about
possible health risks and the research results which form their basis. It enters into the dialogue with the
various target groups through measures involving classical press and public relations activities, as well as
through events such as expert panels, consumer protection forums, conferences and public symposiums.
In addition to this, research projects on the perception and early identification of risks and prediction of their
consequences are conducted in the department with its interdisciplinary structure. Prevention and coordi-
nation of crises is another task of the Risk Communication Department, which receives external know-how
through the Risk Research and Risk Perception Committee.
Risk Communication
Transparency, openness and
comprehensibility in risk communication
The remit of the department is to present the process of
risk assessment as transparently as possible and to make
science understandable and usable for all BfR target
groups. In addition to classical press and PR work, the
BfR enters into an active dialogue with its partners from
science, trade and industry, politics, the media, trade as-
sociations, non-government organisations and consumer
groups through various interactive communication forums.
The participative formats include discussions with experts,
status seminars, consumer protection forums, stakeholder
conferences and public symposiums.
An important instrument of BfR risk communication is the
where all of the results of the
work of the Institute which are relevant to the public are
published. Modern, interactive media formats – for the
classical website, social networks and also for mobile
use on smartphones or tablets – are intended to further
increase understanding for questions of consumer health
protection and the level of awareness of the BfR.
A mobile offer with great benefits is the app “Poisoning
Accidents Among Children” which was developed by the
BfR. It was awarded the German Prize for Online Commu-
nication in 2014 in the category “Mobile and App”. With the
aim of preventing cases of poisoning, the app provides
important information on potential poisoning with chemi-
cal products, drugs, plants and mushrooms and enables
a direct connection to the closest Poisoning Information
Posters and leaflets for physicians' practices, pharmacies
and day care centres further increase awareness of the
BfR app “Poisoning accidents among children” among
parents and staff.
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