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Research Strategy and Coordination

In line with its core competences, the BfR conducts its own research and cooperates with other institutions, in particular within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), universities and member states of the European Union, and awards contracts to third parties.

Research Strategy and Coordination is an executive body which prepares policy documents for research within the BfR. It compiles the research agenda and prepares opinions, reports and position papers on research, and it determines the methodical rules for conducting research at the BfR.

Research goals

  • To provide competent consultancy to political decision makers on a high scientific level with internationally recognised expertise
  • To guarantee the quality of assessments in authorisation processes
  • To enhance competence in the network of European scientific authorities in the field of consumer health protection
  • To ensure a high level of specialised expertise for the national and international exchange of ideas and concepts and in the conducting of joint research projects
  • To create an atmosphere of scientific excellence to enhance the appeal of workplaces at the Institute
  • To analyse the risk perception of stakeholders, the population in general and the media as the basis for the development and application of suitable risk communication instruments.

Research promotion

Research Strategy and Coordination provides support to the scientists at the BfR in general and fundamental issues of research promotion and advises them in the application process for research projects funded by third parties. It advises the specialised departments of the Institute in all questions concerning research promotion, the application process and project execution. It also provides support in the accompaniment, organisation and control of the quality assurance of all research projects, including those funded by third parties. Research coordination is responsible for the administrative, financial procedures and documentation of all research activities including third-party funded research projects.

To ensure compliance with its remit, the BfR focuses on the following main areas of research:

  • Research within the scope of the activities of the reference laboratories with the goal of developing new detection methods
  • Research on risk assessment, e.g. to acquire data and develop improved methods for exposure estimation where biological safety is concerned, as well as the safety of foods, chemicals and consumer products
  • Research on risk recognition, early risk recognition and risk minimisation in order to clarify the properties, action mechanisms, functionality and pathogen-host interactions of microorganisms, viruses and pollutants
  • Research on the documentation, assessment, development and validation of methods to supplement and replace testing with animals
  • Research on the scientific principles of risk communication and perception


Research Strategy and Coordination organises cooperation with the responsible federal ministries and other institutions active in the field of research in collaboration with work group coordinators and project managers. It participates in the departmental research work group and is actively involved in several committees.

Scientific Advisory Board

Research Strategy and Coordination is responsible for the business management activities of the Scientific Advisory Board of the BfR.

Scientific events

Research Strategy and Coordination organises scientific seminars every two months at which current research projects are presented.

In cooperation with the BfR Academy, Research Strategy and Coordination organises the Summer Academy on risk assessment and communication.


Other documents

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Organisation Chart of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment 134.9 KB


Head of Unit

Dr. Karin Schlesier


Visitors' address
Alt-Marienfelde 17-21
D - 12277 Berlin

Postal address
Max-Dohrn-Str. 8-10
D - 10589 Berlin




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