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Unit Food Hygiene and Technologies, Supply Chains, Food Defense

The unit compiles assessments on microbiological risks for various food matrices (meat, fish, milk, plant-based foods, etc.). Further work priorities involve pathogen behaviour in foods, taking into account food hygiene and technological aspects, the assessment of concepts for the production of safe and high-quality foods and the development of software solutions to support assessment tasks using mathematical models.

The specifically developed scientific software tools support the research fields of predictive microbiology and quantitative microbial modelling (QMRA), the specification of global food supply chains, as well as the avoidance of food fraud and support for food defense.

Food Technology Centre

The Food Technology Centre and associated microbiological laboratory deal with research on the inactivation of bacteria and their survival with respect to process engineering and technological processes, as well as the evaluation and testing of suitable disinfection and decontamination measures.

The unit houses various service units which operate within the framework of cross-sectional tasks also on behalf of other institutions of the BfR. These include the slaughter facilities available at the Food Technology Centre for the slaughter of poultry and ungulates.

The Food Technology Center produces foods of plant and animal origin for addressing the scientific questions of other departments and units at the BfR as well as reference material for ringtests and interlaboratory comparisons for National Reference Laboratories. The Central Culture Medium and Dishwashing service units assume the corresponding tasks for the microbiology laboratories.

Management of the BfR Commission for Biological Risks and Hygiene
The management of the BfR Commission for Biological Risks and Hygiene is also housed in the unit.

Research activities
Further work priorities involve research activities with national and international partners, as well as the development of training concepts and the implementation of international training courses on the subject of risk assessment for other official international bodies active in the field of food safety or risk assessment.

Bodies and committees
The unit furthermore represents the interests of the BfR in national and international bodies and committees.


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Organisation Chart of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment 135.3 KB


Head of Unit

Dr. Niels Bandick


Visitors' address
Diedersdorfer Weg 1
D - 12277 Berlin

Postal address
Max-Dohrn-Str. 8-10
D - 10589 Berlin



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