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Noroviruses – recognizing and avoiding sources of infection

FAQ from 5 September 2024

Noroviruses are among the most common pathogens leading to gastrointestinal illness in humans in Germany. The most common symptoms are severe vomiting and diarrhoea, which can lead to dehydration. Noroviruses remain very stable in the environment. They are primarily transmitted via contact with infected people and their excretions as well as with contaminated surfaces. Foods contaminated with noroviruses are another common source of infection. Following rules for personal hygiene and ensuring hygienic treatment and preparation of food are essential for prevention of norovirus infections. Additionally, foods like shellfish and frozen berries should always be evenly and thoroughly heated before consumption. In the following, the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has collected questions and answers about noroviruses, in particular in relation to the route of infection via contaminated foods.



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Noroviruses – recognizing and avoiding sources of infection 177.4 KB


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