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BfR Commission for Genetically Modified Food and Feed

Genetically modified food and feed require authorisation in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003. The transfer of responsibility for the safety assessment of genetically modified food and feed to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) means that the assessment procedure is now harmonised and centralised. EFSA may also, in individual cases, delegate responsibility for safety assessment to the competent authorities of the Member States.

EFSA also draws on the expertise available in the Member States of the European Union by inviting comments on all submitted marketing applications for genetically modified food and feed.

In Germany, the competent authorities and public bodies responsible for carrying out the safety assessment of genetically modified food and feed have been set out in the Act on Implementation of the Regulations of the European Community in the Field of Genetic Engineering. The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) is one of these authorities.

Tasks of the BfR Commission

The BfR Commission for Genetically Modified Food and Feed was set up in 2008. The task of this commission made up of external independent experts is to provide scientific advice to the BfR on the food and feed safety of products made from genetically modified organisms. Furthermore, the commission contributes its expert knowledge to the further development of safety assessment guidelines and the harmonisation of test criteria by national and international bodies.

Members of the BfR Commission

Scientists from universities and federal as well as regional Land institutions were mainly appointed as members of the BfR Commission for Genetically Modified Food and Feed.


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