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Analytical and Characterisation Excellence in nanomaterial risk assessment: A tiered approach (ACEnano)
This third-party funded project is conducted in the framework of the BfR research programme on nanotechnology.
EU grant agreement number: 720952
Project homepage:
Project description:
ACEnano will introduce confidence, adaptability and clarity into nanomaterial risk assessment by developing a widely implementable and robust tiered approach to nanomaterials physicochemical characterisation that will simplify and facilitate contextual (hazard or exposure) description and its transcription into a reliable nanomaterials grouping framework.
This will be achieved by the creation of a "conceptual toolbox" including a tiered approach to cost efficient nanomaterials analysis that will facilitate decision-making in choice of techniques and SOPs, linked to a characterisation ontology framework for grouping and risk assessment.
ACEnano will initiate activities to support data collection, management, interpretation and delivery to a data warehouse for safe use and storage. It will thus underpin the future of nanomaterial quality control, labelling and anti-counterfeiting.
The BfR is involved mainly in the following work packages: "Method benchmarking and training", "Quality assurance and risk assessment" and "Dissemination and collaborations".
More detailed information about the project and project partners can be found here.