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Materials and links to acrylamide in foods

As a monomer, acrylamide is a known "component" in plastics used by industry. In April 2002 Swedish investigators published findings about acrylamide in food. The foods, which contained acrylamide, were starchy and had been roasted, baked or fried. No acrylamide was found in boiled foods. Studies in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands confirmed these findings in May 2002.

Acrylamide causes mutations in in vitro and animal experiments acrylamide. A series of studies observed genotoxic effects in soma cells and inherited germ cell mutations. Animal carcinogenicity studies have shown that acrylamide is carcinogenic. It increases the frequency of the occurrence of tumours in several organs. Hence, acrylamide is to be classified as a mutagenic and carcinogenic substance of relevance for man.

Validated detection or study methods are available. The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment expects industry to provide explanations on the conditions leading to the formation of this substance during the processing of certain foods. Only on this basis can the levels of this substance in foods and, by extension, the risk to consumers be minimised.

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Datum Titel Größe
BfR Opinion
Two Years Acrylamide – A Stocktaking from the Risk Assessment Angle 86.3 KB

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