BfR Annual Report 2014 - page 29

BfR-Consumer Protection Forum
“Aluminium in Everyday Life”
In 2014, the “BfR-Consumer Protection Forum” was held
for the fifteenth time and dealt with the health risks of alu-
minium. Together with scientists from at home and abroad,
the effects of aluminium on human health and the expo-
sure of consumers were discussed. Within the scope of
the forum, the BfR experts answered specific consumer
questions per livestream. The points of view of representa-
tives of consumer protection organisations and trade as-
sociations on the question of how consumers can protect
themselves were discussed.
BfR risk assessment module within the
scope of specialised toxicology training
For the second time now, the training week on risk as-
sessment and communication, which was attended by
35 participants in the DGPT further training course, was
held at the BfR. The instructors, most of whom were from
the various BfR departments, offered presentations and
interactive exercises. The course participants were able to
deepen their acquired knowledge on the basis of practical
examples. Due to the great demand and many positive re-
sponses, it is planned to establish the module permanently
at the BfR.
3– 7 November 2014
26–27 November 2014
The BfR answered all sorts of questions in its consumer
protection forum “Aluminium in everyday life”, in which
approximately 200 people were involved.
BfR events – interactive and broadcast on the internet
In 2014, two BfR events were broadcast in the internet per livestream for the first time, thus
making them accessible to an even larger target audience. At another event, the audience
was able to answer questions on a specific subject with the help of tablet PCs and special
participation software. The spectrum of opinion from the audience was picked up on and
discussed directly in the presentations.
About the BfR
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