BfR Annual Report 2014 - page 11

Position of the BfR in the field of consumer
health protection
The BfR was founded as a federal agency with a legal
capacity within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of
Food and Agriculture. The tasks of the Institute are based
among other things on the statutory act establishing the
BfR. The legislative has also defined the work activities
of the Institute in ten further laws – including the German
Plant Protection Act, the German Genetic Engineering
Act, the German Food and Feed Code, and the Chemi-
cals Act.
In a federal system like in Germany, the responsibility for
consumer health protection falls to the Federal Govern-
ment and the federal states. Laws and ordinances de-
signed to promote consumer health protection are en-
acted by the German government and parliament. The
BfR advises the federal ministries on the preparation of
legal regulations. It assesses health risks in a scientific
process and outlines options for action to minimise risks.
These recommendations are translated into protective
measures for the consumer by management action on a
national government level.
Many statutory provisions for consumer protection are
laid down on European level in the meanwhile, and the
BfR is also involved in the elaboration of these European
provisions for consumer protection. Its experts are repre-
sented in numerous EU scientific advisory bodies.
About the BfR
Members of the Bundestag parliament also regularly keep
informed about the work of the BfR.
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Ministries and subordinated authorities of the 16 federal states
For justified consumer protection
measures, the current state of
scientific knowledge is first ascer-
tained from the Federal Institute
for Risk Assessment. In contrast,
the Federal Office of Consumer
Protection and Food Safety is re-
sponsible for management tasks
at the federal level.
Federal Institute for Risk
Assessment (BfR)
Federal Office of Consumer
Protection and Food Safety (BVL)
In Germany, it is the job of the surveillance authorities in
each federal state to monitor compliance with national
and European statutory provisions in the area of con-
sumer health protection. The BfR itself does not perform
a monitoring function, but it supports Germany's federal
states in this task by developing and establishing analyti-
cal methods for monitoring purposes, for example, or by
issuing expert opinions on topical issues of consumer
health protection. The BfR is also involved in a number of
registration and approval procedures.
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