BfR Annual Report 2013 - page 72

BfR | Annual Report 2013
Communication that works:
press and public relations at the BfR
Why does food contain aluminium? Can residues of
plant protection products be found in fruit and vegeta-
bles? How dangerous is nail modelling? These were just
some of the questions received by the BfR in 2013. Over
500 interviews and background discussions took place,
resulting in a strong media presence. The BfR was rep-
resented in around 70 TV reports and cited around
4,000 times on a national and international level in news-
paper and magazine articles. The majority of the articles
written by the BfR in 2013 dealt with the issues of myco-
toxines in food, pyrrolizidine alkaloids in tea, hormonally
active substances in cosmetic products, food hygiene
and antimicrobial resistance.
There is a specific Department for Risk Communication at the BfR whose job is to inform the public about po-
tential health risks as well as the underlying research findings connected with these risks. In this process, the
BfR enters into dialogue with the various interest groups via measures in the field of classic press and public
relations activities as well as through events like expert discussions, consumer protection forums, conferences
and public symposiums. This interdisciplinary department also conducts research projects on risk perception,
early risk identification and the prediction of the consequences of these risks. Prevention and coordination of
crises is also part of the remit of the Risk Communication Department. The department can draw on external
know-how in the form of the risk research and perception committee.
Risk Communication
With over three million visitors in 2013, the BfR website
is one of the institute's most important information re-
sources. As part of this web presence, more than one
hundred texts were written and updated in 2013, with
additional new formats also created such as online sur-
veys and films. Alongside downloads from the website,
demand for the BfR printed brochures remained high.
More than 120,000 publications were sent out, consist-
ing mainly of the BfR Annual Report, the BfR EU Food
Safety Almanac – which presents a clear overview of how
the European food safety authorities are structured – and
the BfR leaflets on hygiene. The leaflet on hygiene rules
in the catering sector, published by the BfR and “aid info-
dienst”, was particularly well received and translated into
nine languages.
In 2013, the BfR conducted over 500 interviews and back-
ground discussions; the institute was represented in around
70 TV reports and cited around 4,000 times in national and
international newspaper and magazine articles.
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