BfR Annual Report 2013 - page 27

BfR Symposium
“First International Conference on Tattoo Safety”
At the symposium, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
and the BfR joined forces to outline the current status of scien-
tific knowledge on the use of lead-free ammunition in the hunt-
ing season. The topics of discussion included scientific findings
from various research projects into this issue such as the impact
behaviour of hunting ammunition, the killing effect of lead-free
bullets and the food safety of wild game killed during hunting.
The aim of the event with over 300 participants was to outline the
conclusions of the research reports. Discussions also addressed
the required composition of the ammunition and the influence
of bullets made from alternative materials on the ballistic and
physiological hazard potential compared to bullets made of lead.
In cooperation with Freie Universität Berlin, the
BfR staged an international symposium on the
safety of tattooing inks in the university's Henry
Ford Building which was attended by respected
experts in the field. In five theme tracks, the ex-
perts outlined current knowledge and questions
in the field of analysis, exposure, toxicology, hy-
giene, technology, and risk assessment. On day
two of the event, stakeholders had the opportunity
to voice their opinions of the health risks of tattoos.
18–19 March 2013
6–7 June 2013
The symposium on “Alle(s) Wild? – research reports concerning
wild game” provided a wide range of opportunities for discussion
and the exchange of ideas.
Hygiene during tattooing was one of the themes of
the “First International Conference on Tattoo Safety”.
BMEL-BfR Symposium
“Alle(s) Wild?”
About the BfR
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